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House of Reps Passes Bill to Protect Seniors from Financial Scammers

Congress has passed a legislation that aims to take proactive action in protecting senior citizens against scammers who specifically target older people. Last Wednesday, bipartisan House Representatives voted 371-48 to pass a bill that aims to put an end to criminal ploys that have taken as much as $2.9 billion yearly from unsophisticated or unsuspecting senior Americans.

The most common modus operandi involves callers who introduce themselves as IRS agents, notifying them of a tax issue. At the same time the scammer offers to help fix the tax issue if the elederly tax payer immediately sends the money supposedly owed to the IRS so that the agency can call off the pending arrest order.


Bill to Authorize Funding for Investigators and Equipment in Monitoring and Apprehending Scammers

Hopefully the bill will provide the protection needed by senior citizens, particularly those who live on their own using their retirement money to live comfortably in their old age. The bipartisan legislation authorizes the US Securities and Exchange Commission to create a Senior Investor Protection Grant Program as a means of assisting state task forces and enforcement agencies.

The said grant program will make $10 million available annually to fund hiring of additional investigators and computer professionals. Investigators will use improved technology and equipment in monitoring and catching scammers. Additionally, the funds will also be used in educating seniors about financial scams and in notifying them of new methods being utilized to dupe senior citizens.

Exploring Factors to Consider When Selecting the Best Broker

Do you plan to enter the world of trading but are confused as to what Broker and trading platform to use? One of the most important decisions that a trader makes is finding the broker and trading platform that is right for them. It’s important to research before making a decision, as there are many options available on the market.

  • What is a broker? A broker or financial institution that will help investors convert their funds into shares or other securities through their services.
  • What is a trading platform? The trading platform is the engine that powers your trading. It connects to the broker and allows you to trade on their behalf.

The factors to consider when selecting a trading platform are:

  • Fees associated with the platform
  • Trading history of the company
  • Trading experience of the company
  • Types of assets offered by the company
  • How easy is it for you to deposit and withdraw money from their account?

How to Choose the Best Broker?

Choosing the right broker can be a stressful process. It is important to be careful and not rush into anything. There are many factors that you should consider before making a decision.

To make the process easier, ask these three questions. Your answers will guide you to the right broker for you!

1) Are you looking for a full-service broker or a discount broker?

  • Full Service: investment and asset management; as well as loan acquisition and balance sheet/profitability analysis.
  • Discount Brokers: stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, options and other trading products; portfolio construction and rebalancing advice; portfolio insurance (e. .g. catastrophe insurance).

2) Are you looking for a broker that specializes in- individual investors or small to medium-sized firms?

  • Individual Investors: Seeking help with investments and portfolio construction; looking for advice on how much money to invest.
  • Small to Medium-Sized Firms: Looking for a broker who can provide the IT and technology resources needed. for their company.

3) What types of investments do you want to make?

  • Equities: Stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options; portfolio construction and rebalancing advice.
  • Fixed Income: Bonds or other fixed income securities; portfolio insurance (e.g. catastrophe insurance).

Read also: The Finance Of The Future: Wallin Hester

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Trading Platform

Online trading platforms are an integral part of the financial market. There are many different types of trading platforms available and each has its own set of benefits. Some factors to consider when choosing a trading platform are the fees, security, customer support, ease of use, and performance. Finally, read reviews about the trading platform. Here is a good sample review that can lead you to make a good decision – The Traders with Edge reviews on Cusrev.

The Cusrev is a review site for different trading platforms. The site discusses each platform’s benefits, fees, and customer support. They also mention other aspects of the trading platform such as ease of use, performance, security, and data availability. Some factors to consider when choosing a trading platform are the fees and performance of the software.

4 Major Financial Effects of Getting Injured

Injured Teddy Bear


From climbing medical bills to lost wages and future earning capacity, serious injuries can have a major financial impact. Understanding these costs helps victims know the burden they need to shoulder presently and within the future. Injury lawyers like the best Queens injury law firm can help uncover the calculations that ought to be included in compensation claims.

1. Time off From Work

Serious injuries require time to heal. Likely to miss work for several weeks or months are the injured victims as a result. Resuming work too early could exacerbate the injuries. This prolonged absence causes a big loss of income.

2. Medical Expenses

When an individual sustains serious injuries, medical expenses can bring together quickly. There will be bills and charges for services like:

  • Ambulance rides
  • X-rays, MRIs, and other medical tests
  • Emergency room treatment
  • Hospital stays
  • Specialist visits
  • Medications

Serious injuries usually need extensive treatment that lasts for a major period. Consequently, medical expenses may be massive. Folks that are not guilty of their injuries and have a powerful claim for compensation can have their private insurance providers meet their medical costs temporarily. Once the claim is settled, the providers will expect to be paid back. Therefore, victims should speak to non-public injury lawyers for legal advice on what to try to do after sustaining injuries.


ALSO READ: The Financial Effects Of Helping Others During COVID-19


3. Lost Earning Capacity

Someone who suffered a severe injury could also be unable to resume adding the identical capacity that he or she held before the injury. Career advancement is also hampered. The victim may do less strenuous work with lower pay thanks to new limitations. In Chicago, damages for lost earning capacity are often recovered.

4. Pain and Suffering

Serious injuries end in pain and suffering, like emotional anguish and having to endure mental or physical pain. These can affect a person’s everyday existence, in addition to his or her family. this could be factored into the damages when seeking compensation because the at-fault party’s negligence caused the victim to be unable to travel on along with his or her everyday life.

In several ways can a serious injury affect our finances. People should not accept settlement offers from insurance companies before determining all of the damages. Some redress will be hard to assess. Personal injury lawyers help determine the impact of severe injuries and calculate an appropriate cost that individuals can pursue in their claims.


Finding A Good Los Angeles Finance Lawyer

Selecting a good attorney is equivalent to selecting any other product or service. Thorough research is best to help you make an informed decision. Once you have received several attorney referrals with expertise in the relevant area of ​​practice, you should carefully research each candidate. Choosing the right lawyer can help your company with any legal and Los Angeles accidents caused by speeding needs.

Los Angeles accidents caused by speeding

Simple steps to help choose the best lawyer for legal and Los Angeles accidents caused by speeding needs

Conducting candidate interviews

Interviewing an attorney is one of the best methods to assess his or her capacity. Most attorneys offer a free initial consultation usually an hour or less. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What experience does the attorney have in your case?
  • Do they outsource any key legal duties for functions?
  • How long have you been in practice?
  • What additional costs may be incurred in addition to legal fees, postage, application fees, copying fees, etc.?
  • What percentage of your caseload is dealing with your type of legal issue?
  • Do they have any certifications or special skills?
  • What are their fees and how are they structured?
  • Do you carry malpractice insurance? When Yes, how much?
  • Do they have a written fee or agency agreement?
  • Who else would be working on your case and what are their prices?
  • How often will you be billed?
  • Can you provide references from other customers?

How will they keep you informed of developments in your legal and Los Angeles accidents caused by the speeding cases?

Note that a higher fee does not automatically equate to a qualified attorney. Consequently, a bottom fee may indicate problems, inexperience or incompetence. After meeting the lawyer, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are the attorney’s experience and background compatible with your legal needs?
  • Did they answer your questions promptly and politely?
  • Are they someone you feel comfortable with?
  • How sure are you that they have the skills and experience to handle your case?
  • Are you satisfied with the fees and their structure?
  • Are you satisfied with the terms of the fee agreement and/or agency agreement?

Lawyers know the skills and standing of other lawyers. Attorneys may be able to provide information about a fellow attorney that you may not find in a book or online.

Robinhood Allowing 3400 Employees to Permanently Work Remotely

Newly public brokerage and provider of stock trading app Robinhood announced the company will be letting 3,400 of their employees to permanently work remotely. The plan was announced to employees in December, which mentioned they will not be requiring in-office or location based work for a large number of Robinhood employees.

However, during the past months, the company has been affected negatively and is currently only at 80% of their recent top statistics. Compared to when they first went public in July 2021, when their initial public offering (IPO) went from $38 to 16$ per share. During the first half of the year, Robinhood broke records with regards to the number of new customers in stock brokerage history. The second half of the year was not as good as Robinhood’s stocks have become unstable.

Robinhood Is Following Suit to Strategies being Adopted by Tech Giants

The public brokerage considers themselves as a technology company and follows other tech companies decisions of going completely remote. Other technology giants such as Microsoft and Meta Platforms have also made the decision to provide flexible work programs for their employees during the pandemic.

According to Robinhood, they are supporting the change by expanding their technological capacities by creating programs. These programs target the challenges their employees will be facing while they are working at home, particularly employees who belong to underrepresented groups.

The company mentioned how their teams have been working hard and they are offering this flexibility after they requested for working remotely especially during this challenging times. This plan was announced last month to Robinhood employees.

The Finance Of The Future: Wallin Hester

As technology makes certain financial functions superfluous, classic reporting-oriented functions are developing into teams that advance their professional future as business consultants. Tomorrow’s financial talents are people who are familiar with everything.

Tips for job seekers in the finance sector: Wallin Hester

You can say that current job offers can primarily gear towards analysis, risk management and corporate finance. What should financial professionals be looking for in a company? How can you ensure you are successfully mastering the upcoming wave of automation?

Acquire strong additional qualifications based on your basic knowledge

Wallin Hester

Job offers for traditional accounts receivable and accounts payable are becoming rarer. You can easily Click here when finding a job. However, the combination of traditional knowledge and experiential skills is a great way to prepare for the future financial world. You should add programming, data analysis, visualization, or statistical programming skills to your auditing degree.

To be successful as a financial professional, you need to increase your digital and technological know-how in order to be able to drive your growth. HR managers will listen carefully when they have these crucial strengths and experience in these areas. At the same time, you should point out your people skills. This makes you an excellent partner in the business world.

Exciting finance: Wallin Hester

Traditional functions in finance are increasingly highly specialized and agile, with more flexible employees able to take full advantage of the efficiency benefits achieved through automation and data. The world of finance currently has a lot of exciting things in store as long as you want to learn new things. Don’t ignore the change that is taking place.

Agility and curiosity

Flexible thinking with a lot of curiosity is a necessity for the prosperous finance professional of tomorrow. You need to be curious, agile, and understand data at the same time. You don’t just agree to the reports, you question them or point out potential new trends that the company needs to understand. Furthermore, you have to be able to react quickly in the modern business environment.

Action is the key to problem-solving and learning

In a data-driven environment, members of the finance team will excel at tackling a problem and looking for a way out rather than settling for the first outcome. As a budding or established financial specialist, they don’t expect you to be an instant tech or digital professional. However, you should be agile and acquire new digital know-how.

A Closer Look at the G20 Minimum Universal Corporate Tax and its Impact on Offshore Investments

During the July G20 meeting, the finance ministers of the world’s major economies agreed to push for the implementation of a minimum universal corporate tax. Once the planned global tax revision takes effect, corporate organizations can no longer take advantage of low tax rates of countries hosting offshore-based operations and financial investments, particularly, the so-called tax havens.

Members of the Group of Twenty (G20) countries have all agreed to revise international taxation by instituting a minimum 15% corporate income tax levy to make offshore investments less attractive to corporate organizations. Seen as a way to address a long standing global economic issue that has been affecting the financial stability of countries, the minimum international tax aims to defeat the main purpose of shifting profits to countries that offer low tax rates or in some cases, do not imposes tax at all.

Big corporate organizations across the globe have been using legal and accounting strategies to transfer their profits in tax havens where minimal or no tax is collected. This is regardless of whether the firm does actual business as a registered entity of the host country.

The earliest projected date of implementation is in the year 2023, albeit still dependent on the actions taken at national level, which include enacting legislation that would enforce the minimum tax requirement in their own jurisdictions. The proposed 15% rate is only the recommended minimum tax on corporate offshore earnings but can be greater if a country so chooses.

Ending the Era of International Tax Competitions

Janet Yellen, the new U.S. Treasury Secretary representing the U.S., remarked that the move would put an end to an era of international tax competition driven by countries that offer lower income tax to lure foreign companies. Ms Yellen described the tax competition as a self-defeating race, since no country actually wins. It merely deprives nations of resources needed for investing on people, on workforces and on infrastructure.

Between the years 2000-2018, it became common for major U.S. companies to book at least half of all their foreign profits in any of the seven popular tax havens, namely: Switzerland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Singapore, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands,

The U.S. later imposed a 21% minimum tax on revenues gained from overseas operations and investments, which is more than enough to comply with the proposed minimum international tax.
Under the proposed minimum universal corporate tax, even if companies avoid paying the minimum corporate tax imposed by their home country, they will still be constrained to pay higher taxes in the countries hosting the offshore holdings.

The universal minimum corporate income tax once implemented will diminish, if not eliminate the incentives offered by tax havens. .

Although there are other aspects of the tax revision plan taken up in the G20 July summit, this article’s focus on forthcoming tax changes aims to raise awareness of investors who rely only on offshore investments. The implementation of the minimum universal tax will have a considerable impact on investment funds held in tax havens.

The Einvestment Fund for one, is a top-performing offshore investment fund held in the Cayman Islands, one of the most successful tax havens used for foreigh holdings. This jurisdiction does not levy taxes on both local and foreign income or revenues but instead earn revenues by collecting fees from financial transactions, business registrations and mostly from duties levied on imported goods.
In order to have a mutually beneficial relationship with other countries, The Cayman Islands will likely enter into treaties that signify cooperation with the proposed universal minimum corporate tax.

CNBC Researchers Question Propriety of Securities Held by Federal Reserve Officials

After CNBC researchers posed questions about the propriety of the securities held by top Federal Reserve officials, Jerome Powell, ordered a review of the Central Bank’s ethics rules. The order was in response to criticisms and concerns that arose with regard to security holdings of top Federal Reserve officials, including Mr. Powell who is currently the Board Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The results of the initial review indicate that Federal Reserve officials owning individual securities does not appear to violate the Fed’s code of conduct. Still the questions posed by the CNBC regarding the holdings gave rise to concerns over federal policies regarding conflict of interest and the Central Bank’s supervision of its officials. After all, the federal government’s code of conduct mentions that government officials should be careful in conducting or dealing in transactions that could create a conflict between serving public interest and their personal interests since government officials are privy to information that can affect financial systems.

One of CNBC’s questions concerns the Fed’s ethics rules on what are considered as permissible activities and financial holdings of senior Fed officials. CNBC also questioned why the Central Bank did not ban Fed officials from holding, buying, and selling last year. at the height of the pandemic. It was also the when the Trump government expanded the types of assets it would purchase in order to stabilize the securities market that was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Federal Reserve Officials Who Own and/or Traded Individual Securities

Federal Reserve officials who either owns or traded individual securities include Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Jeremy Powell, Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren, and Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin.

Chairman Powell has held municipal bonds worth about $1.25 million and $2.5 million, which represented only a small portion of Chairman’s total reported assets. Even as these municipal bonds were bought by Powell before 2019, the government purchased $5 billion worth of municipal bonds that included municipal bonds held by the Powell family trust since 2016 in the state of Illinois.

Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren has real estate investment trusts worth $151,000 to $800,000, which are securities supported by real estate mortgages. Rosengren had around 37 separate trades in four rela estate investment trusts (REITS) included in the Feds $700 billion infusion in mortgage-backed securities.

Lastly, Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin held $1.35 million up to $3 million in individual corporate bonds including of Pepsi, Eli Lilly, and Home Depot, before 2020. Last year, the Fed bought $46.5 billion worth of corporate bonds when it rolled out a corporate bond-buying facility.

How To Finance Your Dream House

Buying a home is a big step that should be carefully considered and planned.

Tips for buying your home in ray white cairns

Create a personal checklist with criteria and wishes that will help you make a decision. Take something to write with when you go on a tour of your home.ray white cairns

Prepare yourself: request the exposé and the floor plan of the house before the visit.

Clarify basic questions in advance: building structure, year of construction, and energetic state of the house.

Make an appointment for the first house inspection, preferably on a working day in daylight. This allows you to check the lighting conditions in the house.

Take a close look at the individual rooms and check whether the size, brightness and usability match your requirements.

Check the condition of the equipment: worn floor coverings and bathrooms, as well as a small number and inconvenient location of sockets or light switches, can generate costs.

Find out whether you need to take remedial measures when buying a new one.

Seek advice from a professional or an independent expert like ray white cairns.

Find out more about the property and the surrounding area at the building authority.

Last but not least, you should deal intensively with the environment before buying a house. Explore the residential area. Ideally, you will get to know the neighbours with whom you will live next door in the future.

Ray white cairns: Get an overview

Before buying a house, there are many details to consider and, above all, to evaluate. The energetic state of the house, the construction quality or the property rights. The age of the house or the condition of windows and the heating system, as well as the type of heating, are also important factors. All of these criteria affect both the purchase price and the cost of financing the house.

How to finance your dream home

Before buying a house, the question arises of how many financial resources are available for it. The way to the bank is usually essential. Calculate realistically how much money you can raise monthly for long-term financing. Do not forget to include additional costs such as the development of the property. Another important factor is the available own funds, because the higher these are, the better. Whether or how much equity you need depends on many factors.

The Financial Effects Of Helping Others During COVID-19

Man wearing a mask


Since Covid-19 cases are still growing and organizations find it difficult to accommodate their own new normal, most Americans are stepping up to help people within their communities. From personal gestures to financial gifts like electronics payment plans, pros say contributing many ways — big and small — may have a substantial effect on your well-being, financially and emotionally.

“It gives people a feeling of purpose, the sense that although at such difficult times, there is something that I could do about any of this, which I possess some feeling of, even some sensation of hands, even though all feels unmanageable,” says Dr. George James, a certified marriage and family therapist and chief innovation officer at the Council for Relationships, a non-profit behavioral health association in Philadelphia.

Alleviating stress and stress

Research shows helping others at a catastrophe may be an efficacious approach to alleviate panic and stress. Within this outbreak, psychologists state turning away our attention from rising coronavirus cases, daily death tolls, job reductions, and financial chaos to ways people will help others complete this catastrophe could make it simpler for all people to deal also.

“When we can divert ourselves we proceed off from the constant motion, that the stress, the over-thinking, and also something of the greatest ways to divert yourself would be always to assist someone else,” explained Dr. James, an associate of those CNBC Financial Wellness Council.

Sewing masks, creating personal protective equipment, feeding front-line employees, organizing rides to appointments for cancer patients, and also increasing money for charities, shuttered organizations, in addition to families and people in need are only a number of the ways individuals have discovered to embarrass their own communities.

“People’s needs are not just two dimensional for only getting or desiring money. Folks today want food, provides, help round your home. Hardships are extremely intricate and change with time,” explained Nicholas Emerson Mazzone, creator of, an electronic platform that connects individuals who would like to offer people looking for assistance — if it has tasks and errands, getting supplies and markets, financing clinical therapy or spending money on different invoices.

“It is dreadful reading those stories and seeking to detach yourself out of this,” he explained. “It is also inspirational to find that the rallying of service from various portions of the country with people showing they attention from afar.”

Improving your fiscal Well Being

Along with these emotional advantages, contributing to others may also help your monetary well being, pros state. “What lending will coach you on will be that fundamental fund will be a good deal more than any money. Money is merely a tool that will assist you to realize your objectives, and also how you utilize your hard-earned money should align with your values, for example encouraging the reasons and problems that you take care of,” said writer and licensed financial planner Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Before you are given, do your research to be certain to comprehend the way the amount of money, resources,, or time you’re donating will probably likely soon be properly used. The Federal Trade Commission warns that imitation charities and fundraisers make utilize exactly the exact approaches to accomplish donors as valid charities, whether face to face, by email, phone, or societal networking marketing. It’s particularly important to perform your homework before offering any personal details or making a contribution. Proceed into Charity Navigator and also GuideStar to find details regarding a charity’s assignment, background, and financial equilibrium.


ALSO READ: A Close Look at Pres. Biden’s Proposed Changes on GILTI Tax Policies


Consider the tax rests on your own charitable gifts, too. Earning money into your charity could lead to additional tax savings from the light of fresh provisions under national coronavirus aid provisions. The CARES Act supplies a brand fresh “above the line” charitable donation deduction of around $300 in case you maintain the standard deduction at 2020. Should you itemize deductions, then limits on charitable donations are increased out of 60 percent up to 100 percent of 20 20 corrected revenues.

Of course, in case you’ve got the financial tools to create a huge contribution, there’s no necessity to choose where to offer the money straight away. Launching a donor-advised fund — a charitable investment accounts — at a brokerage business or large base enables you to create gifts of stock or cash to charitable associations as time passes.

“Having a donor-advised fund, you also can be eligible to get a current-year tax-deduction and recommend grants to charities in the foreseeable long term. You’ve got enough time to select and there is an opportunity to spend the gift potentially grow in significance to create a good bigger talent,” explained Schwab-Pomerantz, who’s also board seat of Schwab Charitable. But she explained, donations to your donor-advised fund are not a portion of their CARES Act enlarged charitable deduction limits.

In Schwab Charitable minimum to start a donor-advised fund is $5,000, a substantial amount for some Americans at the moment. But, it’s possible to subsequently offer grants of as low as $50 to many charitable companies over several decades.

However you decide to offer, any sort of contribution will probably be treasured.

Daniel Bonnet conducts on the food distribution center at New Rochelle, NY, at which volunteers have functioned meals and food into as much as 18,000 people weekly since early March. The town has been the very first epicenter of this coronavirus from their country, yet he said a number of the exact volunteers attended back after a week. “Members of the community are therefore thankful and grateful. For the volunteers and staff which are doing that every day… getting those responses and a constructive awareness of motivation really improved them,” he explained.

Emerson Mazzone agreed. People helping people driveways lots of givers. “There are so much doubt and despair that the capability to greatly help in a sense you know you are making a direct effect is very big,” he explained. “It is a really major thing. People have additional time for you to take stock in their own lives today and also create more willful decisions regarding the method that you are giving back.”



Many Americans Opt Not to Go Back to Their Pre-Pandemic Jobs

Unemployed workers emerging from the pandemic lockdowns caused heated debates among policymakers and employers as many refused to return to their former jobs. Statistics show that job openings under the new administration have increased, but growth in overall hiring remains minimal. The contention is that most of the unemployed workers prefer to rely on the unemployment insurance benefits and the stimulus paychecks that the government has been doling in light of the business lockdowns and the resulting layoffs

Apparently, the quarantine period gave more time for many American citizens to rethink about their careers and how the long hours of work have affected the quality, not only of their life but of the family as a whole. Still, several business groups and employers are saying that as recipients of the weekly $300 federal unemployment supplement, they have lost the drive to hunt for a new job.

As a result, some state governments are requiring unemployment insurance beneficiaries to show proof that they have been actively looking for work before they can claim benefits. Other states have been looking into legal remedies that would enable the government to stop disbursing unemployment funds.

What Economic Experts are Saying about Workers Turning Their Back on Employers

According to senior economist Heidi Shierhold, not going back to their former jobs are due to several reasons especially at the time when vaccines were not yet available. Many workers are parents who have chosen to carry out their child care responsibilities more seriously due to the health crisis. Some others have become extra conscious of health concerns that could be aggravated if they return to their previous work.

Moreover, Ms. Shierholz added that since 25% of schools in the country are not holding face-to-face classes, at least one parent decided to stay at home to help their kids with their home-based schooling.

Some other Americans have found lucrative employment as online freelance workers, while others took to utilizing their nearly forgotten skills in establishing their own business.

Many American citizens are likewise concerned about the CDC ruling that allows vaccinated persons to go maskless. That is despite the limited period in which vaccines can work efficiently as protection against the COVID-19 variant and the different variants that evolved thereafter.

Nevertheless, majority of the economists who shared their views say labor shortage is temporary and will not last for long. As most schools are poised to reopen by holding purely in-person classes, parents will likewise find no reason not to look for employment even as part-time workers.

How COVID-19 Affected The Forex Trading Industry

Forex Trading


The Coronavirus pandemic has had a deep effect on the monetary world, such as on Forex trading. Global markets have dropped, along a global downturn is therefore looming. Presently, international markets want to regain, but does this trend last?

Degrees of need are shifting in different nations

The requirement for monies is shifting across the world because of a great number of variables, such as unemployment, reductions in rates of interest, and governmental actions that affect businesses — mainly tourism, travel, and hospitality.

In regard to Forex, both China and Australia have been the very first firms to be affected by the virus, on account of this virus’s alleged origins in China, and Australia’s place as China’s largest trading partner.

Since the virus spread around the Earth, and Spain, Germany, France, Italy, and the UK watched their death tolls increase, investors started to prefer the US buck, presuming this was a stable alternative, because of the Federal Reserve’s willingness to offer as much liquidity into the marketplace as you can.

What’s more, that the US is reliant on external demand, in comparison to Europe, Africa, and Asia. The dollar has been viewed as the ‘money of last resort’, which lent it a few safety concerning investment from the money. But this has not lasted long.

Because of greater strain on the buck out of, as an instance, health providers and shareholders, the US is going for an inevitable downturn. This will affect the achievement of this restoration of the worldwide market.

But, Forex dealers are benefiting from this market’s volatility

Economy volatility (the probability of the purchase cost of securities altering in a brief time period) was reduced during 2019. This, then, resulted in a challenging season for Forex dealers because of the reluctance of many people to take part in the exchange of internet currency. This resulted in low trading volume and so low trading earnings.

However, because the stock exchange starts to recover its losses because of 2020 proceeds, many Forex dealers are flourishing. The rapidity of these changes in the marketplace has generated a higher trading volume (because of high volatility), along with also higher trading volumes imply high earnings. Thus, the rise of Forex brokers such as Skilling (see Skilling reviews to learn more).

The strain on international currency markets will probably last for quite some time, but so long as volatility remains high, there’s a clear prospect for Forex traders to reap the benefits in their speculative maneuvers.

As businesses start to re-open, particularly within Europe, traders’ optimism on the marketplace should begin to return. With this assurance, trading amounts must continue to raise.


ALSO READ: U.S. Labor Department Report Shows Which Industries Have Been Hiring


Currency trading amounts have increased enormously in Africa throughout the pandemic

Since February 2020, Forex trading in Africa has risen by approximately 477%. This can be due to several reasons:

• People are restricted to their houses and have had more time to investigate and play with the money market.
• Currency trading, because of its speed, has reduced transaction costs which might be great for African dealers with reduced capital.
• African monies have started to stabilize, and also a few are doing well from the US dollar.

What do we anticipate from the Forex market when life begins to return to normal?

It is difficult to predict precisely what’s going to occur in the Forex market during the rest of 2020 and 2021. Secondly, and even next, waves of Coronavirus around the planet could impact the volatile international markets.

For now, volatility will probably stay high, keeping up a high trading volume. But with doubts across the US presidential elections, Brexit, along with also the near future of the European economies, Currency trading stays very risky for now.

But with the impending international recession prediction, there’ll be potential for monies to grow. For that reason, it should nonetheless be potential for Forex trading to become rewarding come 2021.


U.S.Labor Department Report Shows Which Industries Have Been Hiring

The Labor Department reported last Friday that non-farm employment increased by 916,000 during the month of March while unemployment rate dropped to 6%. The improvement is being attributed to the continuing coronavirus vaccinations, boosting the confidence of workers to return or land new jobs in numbers that totaled way beyond the 675,000 predicted by Dow Jones.

Job growth is taking place in several industries including in state and local government offices and agencies. Yet the highest number of additional jobs are those in the leisure and hospitality industry.

Nate Rattner of CNBC examined the net employment changes that transpired in every industry during March, based on the Labor Department data currently available. The key takeaways of his analysis on where much of the hiring is taking place revealed the following:

Hospitality and Leisure

While this sector was the hardest hit by the global health crisis, the industry has shown the largest net gain of 280,000 for the month of March. About 176,000 of which have been added to bars, pubs, restaurants and food services. The entertainment, leisure and art sector saw a modest 64,000 in additional jobs.

Still, Rattner noted that the March gains was not up to par with the 384,000 job gains achieved in February of this year. He also mentioned that despite the 2-month increases, the employment rate in this sector is still deficient by 3.1 million if figures are to be compared with the job gains posted in February 2020.

State and Local Government

Government hiring increased by 50,000, while the public education sector in both local and state institutions took back 76,000 staff and faculty members. Even the private education institutions hired as many as 64,000 new employees.

Construction Industry

Construction companies and licensed contractors also gave hiring a boost as the Labor Dept. data showed that between 56,000 and 110,000 were employed in construction-related jobs since springtime. Hiring was extensive as renewed interests in house constructions and improvements increased employment by 18,000, while heavy and civil engineering construction projects took on 27,000 workers and specialty trade contractors.

Other industries that have provided job to many unemployed workers, include the healthcare and social assistance providers, which hired 22,500. The manufacturing industry increased its labor force by 53,000, while a variety of service businesses saw the need to hire 66,000 additional employees

Rattner also reported that according to Robert Frick, the Corporate Economist at the Navy Federal Credit Union, data on gains in other job industries are still broadly under repair.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Car via a Financing Deal

Many Australians with plans to buy a new car perform a thorough research about the vehicle they intend to purchase, with less focus on their financing options. Yet when doing your research, it is also important to consider, not just the purchase price but the overall costs that would impact your personal finances, especially if you plan to buy a car via a financing deal.

Still, decisions for buying a car doesn’t stop with finding the best car financing deal, as there are other expenses related to car ownership that motorists cannot avoid. Some expenses are incurred daily, while some others paid periodically, either weekly, monthly or yearly. Primary examples include fuel, insurance, repairs and maintenance as well as registration and licensing fees. Moreover, the average costs for each expense vary, usually on a per city or per region basis.

National Loans, a leading broker of car financing facilities in Australia, give advice that when purchasing a vehicle from a car dealer, don’t make hasty decisions by simply agreeing to the dealer’s car financing offer. Car dealers usually offer a standardized financing solution that does not give purchasers the option to tailor fit the related terms, based on the borrowers’ personal and financial circumstances.

Factors to Consider When Comparing Car Loan Options

The interest rate is of primary concern of course, but while there are banks or financing institutions that offer lower rates, one’s credit history can influence the rate of interest quoted by a lender.

In order to have a vivid picture of how much a lender will provide to finance the purchase of a new vehicle, it would be wise to first fill up the National Loans online Pre-Approval form. That way,the financing experts at National Loans Australia will be able to help, in working out a loan budget that can make car-ownership more manageable for the buyer.

Compare the offers of lenders not only in terms of interest rates but also the terms and conditions governing a car loan. Lenders typically offer secured loans, where the new vehicle serves as the collateral. Yet there are lenders willing to provide those with high credit scores with an unsecured financing facility. This denotes giving the buyer a clean title to the ownership of the new car. .

Is the interest rate fixed or variable? This is also an important point of comparison in case you have plans of paying extras so you can quickly settle your car loan. A ffxed rate remains the same for the duration of a loan term, regardless of fluctuations in rates of interest.

In contrast, a variable rate follows the prevailing market rate, which means if the rate increases, so do the interest charges that will be added to your monthly repayments. Conversely, the interest charges will go down if the prevailing interest rate goes down as well. An advantage to having a variable rate on a car loan is that no pre-termination fee will be imposed in case you fully settle your car loan early.

Compare how much it will cost you to apply for a loan, which although a standard fee, tends to vary among lenders. Other fees to compare include service fee and the penalty rates for late payments.In case you have plans of making extra repayments as a way to quickly settle your car loan, find out if the lender will collect a pre-termination fee.

The aforementioned are only some of the conditions that the National Loans team will point out to you when deciding on your car loan budget. As a matter of fact, they can even help those with credit score issues, work out a car financing deal that will enable the latter to improve their credit history.

A Close Look at Pres. Biden’s Proposed Changes on GILTI Tax Policies

Under Biden’s administration, locating businesses overseas will no longer be advantageous as the new U.S. president wants everything 100% locally produced or developed. Part of Pres. Biden’s tax plan is to double the 10.50% tax applicable to businesses categorized as Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI), as well as penalize offshore or outsourced manufacturing. Starting at 21%, the GILTI tax rate will increase gradually, to reach 26.5% by the year 2026.

Moreover, GILTIs would be declared or reported on a per country basis, while offshore income earned from non-movable assets like foreig-located factories, will no longer be tax exempt.

What Exactly is GILTI

GILTI is an income category that was introduced under the Trump administration by way of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). It represents income earned offshore by US Majority-owned multinational corporations, also known as Controlled Foreign Corporations (CFCs) to which the TCJA granted special tax treatment. Rather than impose the regular corporate tax, which the TCJA had slashed down from 35% to 21%, CFCs were granted a special tax rate of 10.5% (half of the revised regular 21% tax rate.

The rationale behind the granting of the special tax treatment is to discourage CFCs from transferring profits earned from movable intangible assets like patents on intellectual property (IPs) to countries that have low tax rates. As it is, multinationals are in effect paying taxes on revenues earned offshore at a global tax rate that is less than 13.125%.

The proposed new policy that requires multinational to report foreign income on a per country to country basis is meant to prevent multinationals from combining the taxes paid in tax havens with that of taxes paid in high-tax jurisdictions — that in effect produced a global rate of 13.125% used as basis is granting the 10.5% special tax treatment. Nonetheless, the new GILTI tax rate will still be lower as the Trump-era corporate tax rate of 21% will apply, instead of the 28% new corporate tax that the Biden administration intends to impose.

Multinationals Voicing Concerns Over Biden’s Proposed GILTI Policy Changes

At a recent Bloomberg Tax Event, the global tax executives of several multinationals voiced their issue against the GILTI legislative changes that the Biden government will impose on multinationals

Several corporate tax executives with operations across the globe flagged Biden’s GILTI proposal as a major concern during a Bloomberg Tax event Thursday. IBM’s Director of Global Tax Policy, Linda Evans commented that enacting Biden’s GILTI policy changes by doubling the tax is tantamount to penalizing companies with offshore operations. IBM has numerous foreign-located subsidiaries like Bermuda, Luxembourg, Philippines, Switzerland and The Netherlands, which is just to mention a few. Ms. Evan believes that it is not a good thing to raise taxes on companies as they are still struggling from the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.

Denise Bee, the Tax Executive at Slack Technologies seemed to have accepted that the changes will transpire whether they like it or not, Ms. Bee expressed hopes that the Biden administration will give them time to implement the changes. Stack Technologies has subsidiaries located in Asia, Australia, Canada and in countries across Western Europe.

Presumably, the changes Ms. Bee refers to is in relation to their tax plans for the current taxable year, since they will no longer be able to claim the foreign tax credits made available to them by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The possibility that the changes will transpire will pose as challenges to wealth management firms like Pillar WM (, in developing tax plans and in strategizing on how to protect the foreign investments of their ultra high net worth clients.

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty: Its Impact on Small Scale Bitcoin Mining Businesses

After investors re-assessed their views about bitcoin (BTC) in 2020, they started investing on the digital coin and triggered a phenomenal BTC trading boom. Up to this date the growth trend continues. As a result, the boom has pushed bitcoin mining difficulty to a record high. That being the case, small scale, often home-based BTC mining businesses,  are unable to realize decent profits due to the current level of bitcoin mining difficulty.

Understanding Bitcoin Mining Difficulty

As of January 31, 2021, public data indicates that the mining difficulty of bitcoin  now stands at approximately 20,823,531,150,111 (20.82T). Yet what does mining difficulty mean?

Bitcoin mining difficulty indicates the level of complication involved in obtaining one (1) unit of BTC as reward, because finding a block of hash to solve on any given day gets harder to achieve.

Bitcoin mining today has become a competitive business that mining difficulty level has reached a record high. The higher the mining difficulty, the lower the hash rate.  THIS means slower speed by which calculations can be completed by miners across the bitcoin network.

The hash rate is an important metric because it indicates the average speed by which miners complete a block to earn a reward. If mining difficulty is at a low level, the hash rate is conversely high. It denotes that individual mining machines do not encounter difficulty in finding a new block to complete. The higher the hash rate, the higher the opportunity to earn another reward.

As it is, bitcoin mining difficulty has reached an all-time high, while the corresponding hash rate is averaging at 171 million EH per second. EH stands for extra hashes, to which 1 EH is equivalent to 1 quintillion hashes. BTC miners therefore are currently computing at a rate of 171 quintillion hashes per second. After all, before miners are able to solve problems and complete a block, their mining machine/s have to make millions of conjectures in every passing second.

Yet despite the present high level of difficulty, bitcoin mining is still regarded as a hot business investment. The current trend in bitcoin prices ranges between $30,000 and $40,000. As of this writing, bitcoin trading closed at a price of $40,406.70.

The average bitcoin reward that miners receive today has gone down to 6.25 per block from a previous 12.50 per block. This all the more underscores the importance of using efficient bitcoin mining machines. Mainly because once the cost of electricity is factored in, the profits realized might not meet expectations.

Many investors are still not too comfortable with the idea of using their passive income to buy additional bitcoin assets, due to the inherent volatility of cryptocurrency prices. Instead, they are looking into the possibility of investing in bitcoin mining for themselves. After learning about the increasing level of mining difficulty and the growing complexity of the hashes, many are convinced that the more profitable approach to bitcoin mining is by taking up offers of Mining as a Service (MaaS).

What is Mining as a Service (MaaS)?

Mining as a Service is a mining platform that empowers those looking to engage or invest in bitcoin mining on a commercial scale. Through the use of the service provider’s resources, they can purchase bitcoin miners. Buying a bitcoin miner or even a team of bitcoin mining machines, eliminates the need to maintain a thermally-regulated facility and at the same time, pay for high costs of electricity and maintenance.

Elevate Group, for one is a MaaS service provider that commits to working with customers without any termination period. An agreement can last up to 3 years or more, depending on the life of the bitcoin miner purchased. In exchange for the arrangement, Elevate Group simply collects 20% of the mining profits earned by every bitcoin miner servicing a customer.

Pres. Biden Stands Firm in Fulfilling Democrats’ Vow of Supplementing the $600 Stimulus Check

Pres.Biden is standing firm on the $1,400 stimulus check that would bring the $600 released in December to the $2k total pushed for by Trump and the Democrats. Although the President mentioned $2k during his campaigns for the Georgia Democratic Senators, it has been paid partially by way of the $600 checks included in the $900 billion funds released in December. Democratic lawmakers vowed to work on a supplementary budget to make up for the deficit.

Critics, however, are making it appear that President Biden was reneging on the $2k promise. As it is, the new President has been facing opposition from Republican senators over the passing of his $1.9 trillion Covid-19 Relief Package that included the $1,400 differential of the previously promised $2K stimulus check. Republicans are actually suggesting an even smaller amount in order to get their support.

President Biden Rejects Republican Proposal of Splitting His COVID-19 Relief Package

Several Republican senators are actually suggesting to split Biden’s proposed COVID-19 $1.9 trillion package in order to receive bipartisan support. Splitting means having a smaller package for the vaccination programs, and another for the third round of the $1,400 direct payment check supplementing the $600 released in December. What the Republicans are aiming for is to leave the financial aid meant for local and state governments as another bill, for which they are strongly against.
However, the White House immediately rejected such a notion saying that the President stands firm on having the entire relief package approved in order to get plans rolling to address all crises faced by the country. In Thursday’s briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psakis said that although the President is open to ideas coming from the opposition, he is not going to go with the proposal to break the bill into smaller packages because there is a need to immediately solve all problems confronting the American people.

Ease Financial Burden After A Car Accident With Auto Settlement Loans

If you become a victim of an automobile accident, auto settlement loans are cash advances that provide you with the funds you need to help pay for medical bills as well as other expenses that are associated with the accident as you wait until your lawsuit is resolved and settled. Also known as a lawsuit advance or as a pre-settlement funding, auto settlement loans need not to be repaid in the event you don’t win your case.

Considering Auto Settlement Loans

When you get into an automobile accident, auto settlement loans provide you with the funds you need in order to pay for living expenses, especially when the accident has rendered you unable to work, as you wait for the outcome of your lawsuit settlement. While you are allowed to make use of the cash advance for just about anything, individuals usually use the funding for their most basic needs up until their case is all sorted out.

As mentioned, auto settlement loans aren’t exactly loans but rather are cash advances. If you do not win your settlement case, then you don’t receive any compensation. Good thing is that the auto settlement loan you have applied for from a legal funding company, which most likely you have already received and used, need not to be repaid. On there hand, if you win your case, you will have to repay the auto settlement loan which will be taken from the compensation you will be receiving.

Since there isn’t any assurance the funder or legal funding company will get back its money, they do their research on your case as well to check if it has a strong and chance of winning. Also, regulations and policies that are true to a standard loan may not be applicable to an auto settlement loan.

Easing Financial Burdens With Auto Settlement Loans

When you apply for an auto settlement loan for a legal funding company, this will greatly help in lessening the financial burden brought about by the accident by providing you with immediate funds to pay for immediate costs. While this is something to consider, do note that there are certain fees as well as interest rates that apply, which can be drive up cost. Hence, this type of loan is usually a last resort when all other options aren’t possible or available.

A car accident can be very costly. If you don’t have the financial means to manage some or all of the costs due to the accident, auto settlement loans can help you pay for your legal costs, medical bills as well as your usual daily and/or monthly expenditures, such as groceries, rent and other household bills, while you wait for the payout of your settlement and recovery from your car accident injuries. All these costs and expenses can indeed be overwhelming and devastating, where 90% of costs on medical bills due to automobile accidents are approximated to occur and add up in the first 18 months (1.5 years) of the accident. As such, an auto settlement loan is designed to ease this financial burden.

Fast Internet and Use of Real Money Boosts Online Casino Market

Cards and a laptop


Based on Market Research Future, the international online gaming market was segmented according to match type, device kind, outcome, and also region/country.

Rapid technological progress and an increase in the number of gaming users throughout the world are a few of the aspects which are affecting the development of the internet gaming industry.

The increase in the adoption of smartphones will be slowly changing the internet gaming market since the majority of the gaming and casino users are utilizing smartphones to play with the matches and make real cash. In the last several decades, online gaming providers also have integrated social networking platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to entice new clients.

The adoption of digital money like cryptocurrency from the gaming market by gaming sellers is a significant trend in the world mobile gaming marketplace. As an example, the mobile gaming market in Nevada takes cryptocurrency or digital currency from the gamers. The integration of digital currency in the gaming market has decreased the danger of safety concerns associated with money transactions. The internet money trades help gaming sellers to disperse the prize money from the kind of redeemable coupons. Players may refer to Kiff Slots updated list of Springbok Casino coupons 2020 which may be used to play different games as well.

In addition, it supplies consumer spending history to gaming providers who assist them to personalize their advertising plan. The rising interest of cellular gaming among kids, growth of infrastructure, raising international divisions, legalization of mobile gaming in a variety of countries throughout the planet, and comfort of government policies and regulations are a number of drivers of this increase in the mobile gaming industry.

But, security problems linked to internet payments in cellular gaming and increasing addictive behavior that might change the low-income people since they might not have the ability to manage losses, but are a few of the elements that might interfere with the rise of the mobile gaming industry. The international online gaming market was examined for five areas –North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and South America.


By game kind, the international gaming market was segmented to gaming, casino, lottery, poker, online bingo, along with many others. The casino section accounted for the biggest market share in 2018, whereas the poker section is expected to enroll in the maximum CAGR during the forecast period. That is because internet poker is favored by many gamers since it delivers many different games for choice, which really isn’t true in poker rooms. Additionally, cellular poker is straightforward and easy to use as the participant can combine the sport remotely without being physically present inside the poker area.

By apparatus type, the international gaming market was segmented into desktop and mobile computers. The mobile section has the maximum market share, and it’s expected to enroll the maximum CAGR during the forecast period. This is a result of the rising adoption of smartphones.

From end-users, the worldwide gaming market was segmented into gaming fans, societal lush, and dabblers. The gaming enthusiasts section accounted for the biggest market share, whereas the societal lush section is projected to enroll the maximum CAGR during the forecast period. The societal lush segment incorporates social networking influencers and promoters. These gamers are visible on internet gaming platforms, researching new games on the internet, and may be part of compensated promotions by online gaming operators. These players frequently upload images or articles regarding cellular or internet betting on social networking.

Regional Analysis

The International Online Gambling Market is projected to enroll a CAGR of 13.2percent within the forecast interval. The geographical analysis of the global online gaming market ran for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and South America.

Europe holds the greatest market share because the firms within this area are top in terms of innovative technologies; moreover, the area also includes favorable government regulations and rules across various nations. Europe continues to be segmented into the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the rest of Europe. A number of the largest worldwide online gaming companies working in the current marketplace, for example, Kindred Group PLC, Bet365, along with 888 Holdings have thrived from Europe.

The marketplace in Asia-Pacific is expected to enroll the maximum CAGR through the period (2019–2025) thanks to the boost in foreign investments as well as the increasing popularity of mobile gaming across this area.

Aggressive Dashboard

The International Online Gambling Market is seeing high growth because of the growth in demand from assorted end-users like gaming fans, societal lush, and dabblers. Important players have chosen partnerships and new product growth as their crucial organic growth approaches and opted for inorganic development strategies to boost their positions in the sector and cater to the specific requirements of their end-users. In Nov 2017, Stride Gambling PLC, a firm based in the United Kingdom, obtained an India-based rummy game system supplier, Passion Gaming Personal Limited. Stride Gambling, together with the benefit of its own proprietary technologies together with Passion Gambling, is focusing on developing an extremely attractive proposal at the Indian online gaming market. In the same way, in Sep 2018, The Stars Group established its BetStars online sports gaming new in New Jersey in partnership with hotels, casinos, and resorts. The BetStars platform lets internet withdrawal and depositing options, in-game gaming, historical cash-out alternatives, and various bonuses for the consumers.


ALSO READ: How Covid19 is Changing the World’s Financial Market?


Can President-Elect Joe Biden Make Things Better for Americans?

The pandemic is still taking a heavy toll on Americans, and the heavy burden of making things better now rests on the shoulders of President-elect Joe Biden.

The Real State of the Nation that Biden Has to Face

While Trump continued to make false claims that the U.S. is doing great and that the pandemic is already under control, millions of people lost their jobs. The pandemic still forced businesses and companies to temporarily operate at less than full capacity, while not a few had no choice but to permanently shut down. According to economists, the declining financial condition that American families are currently experiencing is a result not only of unemployment, but also due to the lack of sufficient economic support from the federal government under the Trump administration.

Dean Peter Tufano of Oxford’s Saïd Business School stated that things are significantly getting worse, when compared to how it was during the early economic decline of the country.

How the CARES Act Temporarily Helped Stave Off Poverty

While in March, Congress was able to pass a law known as the CARES Act which provided a $2.2 trillion relief package, it wasn’t enough since the COVID-19 still made it impossible for businesses to safely resume operations. According to researchers from Columbia University, the weekly $600 benefits for the unemployed and the stimulus checks of $1,200, helped 18 million citizens to stay out of poverty in the following months.

However, as the CARES Act financial aid expired in July, while the pandemic still wreaked havoc, families began experiencing financial difficulties. As of September, studies showed that America’s poor had increased by almost 5 million. Financial experts noticed that women, minorities, low earners, and people without college degrees, were the ones who were greatly affected.

The Need for a Long-Term Solution

In a study from a collaboration of three universities, Harvard, Oxford, and George Washington University, their findings reported that one out of three families are now having difficulties in earning enough money for basic expenses. Additionally, a 2018 Federal Reserve report had already revealed that about 40% of the citizens in the country cannot make up for an unanticipated bill costing $400 without having to sell an asset or fall in debt.

Today, things have taken a turn for the worse, as millions of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck. Mainly because there was not enough money set aside as savings. Yet it’s partly due to the fact that wage growth had stagnated, particularly for low income earners. Many Americans barely making ends meet as continuing inflation drove the cost of living to go higher.

According to a previous Pew Research, minimum-wage earners have lost about 10% of their buying power over the past ten years due to inflation that was not met with stagnant wages. As the Biden administration vowed to address the financial problems of the low income earners, many are expecting that the $7.25 an hour that Congress and President Obama worked on in 2009 will be raised in due time.

Where To Start When Investing In Foreign Currencies

The way to invest in foreign currencies begins with a brokerage, which can indicate the best options for each client. You can search the best forex brokers.

“Nowadays, you don’t have to leave Brazil to be exposed to foreign investments. You get, through market platforms, assets that will be indexed to international assets, consequently, to international currencies ”, says Rodrigo Moliterno, partner at Veedha Investimentos.

How to Start Trading Forex in 2020

Funds are a consensus when it comes to security, but they vary in nature. For those just starting out, foreign exchange funds are a good tip, as they are seen as money protection strategies. This means that, when investing funds in reais, in a dollar or euro, the amount invested will follow the variation of these currencies, up or down.

But where does the protection come from? Hypothetically, if the dollar is worth R $ 5 and the investor invests R $ 1,000 in a foreign exchange fund, he would have US $ 200 invested. If the dollar rises to R $ 6, the resources invested in reais also grow at the same rate as the dollar. In other words, the investor’s portfolio will indicate an amount of R $ 1,200, in the new conversion, but he will continue with the US $ 200. If the dollar experiences a devaluation, then it is possible to have some gain.

In other words, the idea of ​​protection is because there would be neither gain nor loss of money. Fábio Macedo, commercial director of Easynvest, points out that this is a good option for those who intend to travel and want to guard against a possible rise in foreign currencies.

“The person who is looking for a trip in a year, he should not buy paper money now. The recommendation is to start investing in a foreign exchange fund, because then it has protection. If the dollar rises or falls in this period, it will have, in reais, the same dollar amount for the trip ”, advises Fábio.

The hedge funds are a riskier option since management is more aggressive, suitable for investors moderate a thrown. Here, it is necessary to pay attention to which currencies make up the fund, in what proportion, since they can share space in the portfolio with other assets, as well as the expectation of return and the fees charged by the manager.

“In this multimarket scenario, the manager saw him reading, what he thinks will happen, and will position himself to make money in relation to the exchange rate, just as he does in relation to the stock exchange, the interest rate, etc.” , explains Fábio.

This investment is not protected from exchange variation, that is, the chances of gain are the same as losses. If the fund promises a gain of 5% per month, that same percentage can be discounted if there is a depreciation of the invested currencies.

Is it possible to invest in coins on the stock exchange?

Yes, it is possible to invest in coins on the stock exchange. In fact, there has been offering from a number of forex brokers,  a series of currency futures contracts for some time. There are several currency pairs contracts, in which the investor buys one currency simultaneously with the sale of another. In this case, one is expected to appreciate, for example, the dollar, at the expense of another, such as the euro.

The principle of this modality is totally speculative, that is, it is for those more aggressive investors, who accept to take risks. Until a few years ago, this type of investment was only possible in markets outside Brazil, that is, access was more difficult. With the availability at B3, participation became cheaper and available on the platforms of Brazilian brokerages.

“If you bought a contract and it increased by 5%, then you had a 5% change in your capital”, stresses Victor Hugo, from Infinox. The new business and marketing executive points out that it is possible to work on these contracts with leverage of up to 30 times the value of capital. This allows the investor who has R $ 1,000 invested in this type of contract, to speculate as if he had up to R $ 30 thousand.

“If a currency appreciates 10% in a week, and if you have the resource leveraged 30 times, you will either win 300% of the capital or you will zero your account”, stresses Cotoski.

With the possibility of entering and leaving at any time, the investor will have liquidity, but will also be susceptible to currency variation. It is precisely in this aspect that the executive sees the importance of one of the most liquid markets in the world for Brazil. “The currency market is very important for the country’s development because the foreigner gains strength to come to the country when he sees a structure like this well done”, concludes Cotoski.


When Do I have To Submit A Tax Return?

First of all, it is important for you to know whether you need to file a tax return before hiring a tax preparation service. For this purpose, the Income Tax Act differentiates between compulsory assessments and application assessments.

Do I Need to File a Tax Return – Do I Need to File Taxes?

You are only legally obliged to submit an income tax return (compulsory assessment ) if your other income (all income except wage income, e.g. income from freelance or self-employed work, dividends, renting, pensions, etc.) exceeds a certain limit (so-called basic tax allowance), or if you, as an employee, have entered wage tax deduction criteria or have significant income outside of wage income.

If this is not the case, the tax office does not expect a tax return from you. Nevertheless, you can of course submit a voluntary tax return (application assessment). This is done informally by simply filling out the relevant forms (similar to the mandatory assessment) and submitting them to the tax office. You have 4 years to submit a voluntary tax return.

Your income as an employee is taxed directly. That means: Your employer withholds the individually calculated wage tax from your salary every month and pays it directly to the tax office. In the past, these deductions were noted on the income tax card, today they are reported directly to the tax authorities using a paperless electronic procedure for collecting income tax. Therefore, as an employee, you only have to submit a tax return if you have significant additional income – or if you have entered corresponding deduction criteria.

As an employee, you are not obliged to submit a tax return unless:

  • The total of your additional income (investment income, rental, pensions, small business, etc.) is more than EUR 410 per year.
  • You have received a parental allowance or other state benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit, short-time work allowance, sick pay, etc.) of more than EUR 410 per year.
  • You have worked for several employers in a regular employment relationship (no flat-rate taxed mini-job or temporary job) at the same time.
  • You are married, both spouses are employees, and have chosen tax class combination III and V.
  • You have registered an allowance with the tax office (using the so-called wage tax reduction procedure).

In these cases, you are obliged to submit a tax return, as this could result in an additional tax payment that the tax office is not happy to miss. Most people who meet one of the above conditions are registered with the tax office and receive a written request to submit an income tax return around the turn of the year. The tax office expects your tax return by July 31st. of the following year.

If you fail to meet this deadline, you will face penalties such as late payment surcharges, penalties, tax assessments, and interest. An extension of the deadline, which was previously usually possible without great effort, is unfortunately no longer so easy to achieve. You need a valid reason (e.g. long illness) and should submit the application in writing.

However, if you commission a tax advisor or income tax aid association to prepare your tax return, the submission deadline can be extended to the last day of February of the year after next.

What Financial Management Strategies Can We Learn From Gamblers

With almost everyone connected to the internet as well as the fast-paced digital sphere, gambling has become quite popular wherein people are able to play various gambling/betting games just about anywhere and anytime with the same excitement of playing in a land-based casino.

The Popularity of Online Gambling

Dominoqq, for instance, is a traditional family favorite game in Indonesia. Dominoqq is quite comparable to Texas Hold’em poker. However, instead of using decks of cards, the game is played using dominoes. Now, the game isn’t only played for entertainment but also for real money as well on trusted and credible online gambling/betting sites.

When playing dominoqq on credible gambling/betting site, you not only get to enjoy a game of dominoqq, but also get a chance to win some money as well as be offered interesting promos and bonuses which you could use to play more games for more winning chances.

Although gambling is an enjoyable form of entertainment, we cannot remove the fact the gambling involves wagering money, whether small or big. Hence, to make certain one doesn’t gamble away all their finances and incur debts, there are money management rules that gamblers/bettors need to follow to avoid these.

Money Management Tips We Could Learn From Gamblers/Bettors

In terms of financial tips, gamblers/bettors seem to be regarded as not good sources as they are stereotyped by the general society as money wasters. While it is a fact that some gamblers/bettors aren’t good at effectively managing their finances, a lot of other gamblers/bettors are very good and successful at handling and managing their finances and even become professional gamblers/bettors to earn a living.

You could actually learn some good financial tips from them by studying their betting tactics as well as their money management strategies. Let’s have a look at some of these that could help you better your strategies at managing your personal funds.

Create a Financial Plan

Creating a financial plan and setting a budget is the initial and best way to begin managing and handling your personal funds. This will provide you a clear guideline as to how to wisely save and spend your money. Responsible gamblers/bettors do exactly the same as they bear in mind how much they could actually afford to place in their bankroll. They go over their income and a lot money for all necessary expenses such as bills, loans, education, food, savings and others. Once they have allocated money for all of these, they determine how much they place in their bankroll from the excess money.

Being Responsible and Having Self-control with Your Funds

A lot of people are impulse buyers wherein they seem to be ensnared in spending a few on things they don’t actually have no use for. Gamblers/bettors, in this regard, may fall trap into making unnecessary bets or wagers here and there which immediately depletes their bankroll. Hence, they wisely budget their bankroll so as to have more gaming sessions as well as set a win-loss limit for their bankroll to last longer. Similarly, if you want your finances to last longer, you need to determine how your funds could last, be responsible in your expenses as well as have self-control in terms of impulse buying.

Know When to Quit

One of the challenging parts of managing your funds is knowing when to stop spending. This becomes tougher when you are right there in the moment. Gamblers/bettors experience something similar especially when they are experiencing a winning streak or when they are trying to chase their losses. As mentioned earlier, responsible gamblers set a win-loss limit. Once they reach that limit, they stop and walk-way so as to minimize loss and ensure their bankroll last longer. Similarly, when spending, make certain you have a limit and stick to that limit.

Restaurant Group Calls on Congress to Pass Restaurant Act

As Congress is set to work on a 4th coronavirus relief package, the National Restaurant Association (NRA) is calling on legislators to pass a Restaurant Act.

According to Sean Kennedy, NRA’s Executive VP for Public Affairs:

“We have been moving into this stop, start, off again, on again cycle, which is not sustainable, aside from being capital intensive for an industry that had about 16 days worth of working capital on hand before the onset of the pandemic.”

.Through a letter addressed to the House and Senate leaders, the NRA conveyed concerns that the nation’s restaurant industry is already at risk of losing as much as $240 billion in revenue as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although still a projection, the group’s forecast is imminent and will likewise result to an increase in the more than 8 million workers who were laid off or on furlough between the months of March and May. That being the case, the NRA is calling on Congress to provide the restaurant industry with a specific relief package.

The letter explained the loss projection as one based on the more than 100,000 restaurants ordered by state and local governments to cease operations over a two-week period. Despite the federal recovery programs of the CARES Act, the group asserts that the mechanisms in place are not enough to sustain the industry. Considering that the current situation has become more dire, now that the spread of the pandemic throughout the country has worsened.

What the NRA Proposes as Provisions of the Restaurant Act

As part of the restaurant trade group’s “Blueprint for Restaurant Revival” strategies, the calls for a Restaurant Act include:

Grants specifically for restaurants; to be provided under a $120-billion recovery and revitalization fund.

Permit restaurant owners to claim as tax deductions the expenses incurred even if they used the proceeds of loans secured under the Paycheck Protection Program.

Supplement funding and improve terms that will enable those in the food business to put forward claims for business interruptions and liability coverage. by way of the Economic Injury Disaster Loans.

How Covid19 is Changing the World’s Financial Market?

Without a doubt, Covid19 turns from an outbreak which escalated real quick into a global pandemic. It caused unforeseen health and human crisis. The necessary measures in containing the virus triggered economic turmoil in different nations around the world. At this point, no one still knows when a vaccine to the virus will become available. But one thing is for sure, the financial market is significantly impacted by its presence.

According to the recent Global Financial Stability Report, it revealed that the financial system already took its toll of the pandemic. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the price of risk assets has seen a sharp decline. What’s worse of recent selloff is, risk assets have suffered half or even more of declines that they’ve suffered back in years 2008 and 2009.

Market strain

Let us be factual that market volatility spikes and in some cases, it has gone to levels that were last reported during global financial crisis. With the volatility taking over, it significantly deteriorated market liquidity which includes the traditional markets.

So in an effort to maintain the global financial system’s stability while supporting world’s economy at the same time, central banks across the world have laid out its first line of defense. What was done was, easing monetary policy by means of cutting policy rates. Also, half of central banks in the lower income countries as well as emerging markets need to cut policy rates too.

The impacts of rate cuts would be reinforced via the guidance of the central banks regarding future path of monetary policy as well as the expanded asset purchase programs.

Additional Measures

Not only that, central banks created additional liquidity to aid the financial system which includes opening market operations. Then after that, central banks agreed to improve the provisions of the US dollar liquidity that’s done via swap line arrangements.

Last but not the least, central banks started reactivating programs that are used throughout global financial crisis and introduced wide range of new broad-based programs that include to buy riskier assets like corporate bonds. By using as “buyers of last resort” effectively in such markets and assisting to contain the upward pressure towards cost of credit, central banks were able to ensure that both firms and households will still have their access to credit at a more affordable rate. As of this writing, central banks made an announcement of expanding liquidity provisions via asset purchases and loans.

Take advantage of all the pieces of information that you can acquire after reading Saxo broker reviews to be able to know which market you should invest your money and still make good profits despite the pandemic we are facing now.

Learn Market Timing To Trade Cryptocurrency

“When is the perfect time to trade cryptocurrency?”

This question frequently comes up especially for first time crypto investors and a question that often runs in the mind of experienced crypto traders.

Similar to trading conventional commodities and assets, it is wise to study the movements of the price of cryptocurrencies. Although market timing is a trading strategy that is debatable, it still is worthwhile to consider this as well. Market timing is a trading strategy that is established on the idea of defeating the market by means of making a good prediction ore estimation of the price fluctuations.

The predictions involves careful fundamental as well as technical analyses to evaluate the market and the conditions of the economy. In the event that the investor does make an accurate projection of the price movements, they could act on it quickly by moving their assets and converting it into profits. Many individuals who trade cryptocurrency make use of this trading tactic to confidently make an accurate prediction on which cryotocurrencies are bound to rise or fall.

Market Timing – Why Is This Trading Strategy Effective When Investing in Cryptocurrency

Trading cryptocurrency can be turned into a valuable investment but they also carry some possible risks, similar to other investments such as stock trading and forex trading. Deflation is one as it could happen any time. Hence, may crypto investors assess their trading decisions based on market timing.

Many of our decisions that involve buying and selling or our investments for that matter is to a certain degree linked to market timing. Since the cryptocurrency market doesn’t close, market timing wherein you focus on the movement of prices becomes an important and valuable strategy.

As crypto traders and investors, you already have an idea of how volatile the market is. Therefore, prior to making any trade or investment, it is fundamental to have a good and clear understanding of the crypto market as well as to gauge and evaluate risk tolerance, your capability to psychologically withstand and put up with the possibility of losing money on your investment. Furthermore, becoming aware and having knowledge of your assets’ security, history of prices as well as the repeating patterns could be very useful and helpful in order for you to make informed predictions and estimations

The more your knowledge and understanding of the workings of the crypto market, more confident you are to take risks that are higher but do provide a return that higher as well.

Bottom Line

Whether it’s a short-term or long-term goal and regardless of your preferred investment strategies, investing or trading in cryptocurrency could be an investment that that you could profit from especially now that cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology are starting to get the attention of many industries and governments. But do bear in mind that the perfect time to buy and sell cryptocurrencies is dependent on your resources, your purpose, and the market.

Can the Stock Market still Bounce Back after Covid-19?

Are you looking for resources regarding the current performance of the stock market these days during the pandemic? If yes, then it is best that you les mer on the next lines on this column.

The stock market has actually raised questions and concerns throughout the Covid-19 ordeal. As a matter of fact, there are evidences showing that shareholders favored less vulnerable companies and that the government guarantees and credit facilities have lowered the policy interest rates while the lockdown measures helped in mitigating the plummeting of stock prices. On the other hand, the basics just talks about the small part of stock market variation at country level.

Everyone should still be on Full Alert

On June 8, 2020, WHO had announced that Covid-19 was only getting worst and warned the world against complacency as many more people would still be vulnerable to infection. On the same day though, the US stock market started its 4th consecutive week of rally. What new patterns and insights on stock market may be drafted from Covid-19 pandemic? Basically, this is a topic that should be given further attention. Moreover, this is only adding to the negative connotation of the general public towards stock market.

As of this moment, there is a fast-growing body of experts doing research and studying the responses of the stock markets towards the virus, which is somehow, giving valuable insights. While the dynamic of stock markets throughout the outbreak may seem to be so irrational, random or even crazy if you look at it at first glance, take a closer inspection and you’ll notice that they didn’t blindly react to it actually.

Just another Challenge

There have been a number of studies showing that the stock markets work so effectively in trying to protect the most vulnerable and exposed companies; firms that were financially fragile, subject to disruption of the international value chains, less resilient to the social distancing implementation or vulnerable in regards to corporate social responsibility. In addition to that, it looks like that the losses on the stock market are closely related to the forecasted revisions of analysts, at least in medium term.

Fact is, everyone was surprised by the move made by the US central bank by announcing that it’ll be buying the lowest investment bonds as part of its effort of quantitative easing program in order to save jobs and at the same time, stimulate investments.

An Overview of Microfinancing

What is Microfinance

The “micro” in microfinance. As the name suggests, microfinance is about small loan amounts that are granted for starting a business. The Grameen, as well as the Equity Bank (microfinance institute of the year 2009), mainly grant small loans, some of which are well below US $ 100. At the Equity Bank, for example, the smallest microfinance is around $ 10.

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As a huge number of small loan amounts are granted, the credit risks can be diversified accordingly. For microfinance institutions, this has the advantage that you keep the loan default rate for microfinance relatively low, despite the comparatively higher risks.

Maturities in microfinance

The microcredit is often only provided for a relatively short period. The standard microfinance has a term of 6 to 12 months, although terms of 3 or 18 months are not uncommon for microfinance.

Microcredits are typically repaid in installments, depending on the agreement, the first repayment can be due within a week.

Interest in microfinance

The following rule generally applies higher risk = higher costs (interest). This is also reflected in microfinance for start-ups from emerging countries.

Since microcredit is granted unsecured, microfinance institutions also charge higher interest rates in line with the higher risk. For microfinance, these are usually between 20% – 40% pa, depending on the respective creditworthiness.

Business model microfinance

The two large microfinance institutions, the Grameen Bank and the Equity Bank, each have a banking license and thus act as a bank. This has the main advantage that both microfinance institutions can accept deposits in addition to “normal” loans and microfinance in order to be able to refinance at such a low price.

Since the banks only pay a very low-interest rate on the deposits in relation to the interest income from microfinance, it is possible for them to earn a substantial interest margin of up to over 20% via microfinance. It is therefore hardly surprising that both banks are now worth several hundreds of millions of euros – microfinance could therefore also be called lucrative development aid.

Economic benefits of microfinance

The economic benefits of microfinance are undisputed. With microfinance building small businesses and even hiring more people, microcredit in emerging markets is a catalyst for economic growth. Small loans from microfinance enable business ideas to be realized and business start-ups made possible.

With the help of microfinance, for example, a mini kiosk can be founded, a washing drum bought, fertilizers to increase agricultural production financed and investments in the development of medicines can be made.

Microfinance, therefore, has the benefit of financing an offer that usually does not yet exist, but that meets existing demand.

What Makes PPP Loans Different from EIDL

The financial aid promised by the CARES Act to qualified small businesses, may come under the guidelines of either the PPP or EIDL Program.

PPP stands for Payroll Protection Program while EIDL means Economic Injury Disaster Loans.

Main Differences between PPP and EIDL

PPP loans are 100 percent forgivable but will qualify only business entities that will not lay off employees or reduce their salaries. In contrast, EIDLs are loans that small to medium scale business owners can use to pay for a broader range of business expenses. Borrowers under this program must use at least 75% of the amount loaned to pay the salaries and wages of employees.

Applicants for EIDLs do not need to meet the 75% payroll requirement but will be required to comply with restrictions when juggling the funds in order to sustain their business. However, unlike PPPs, only a fixed amount of USD 10,000 can be forgiven. That is regardless of how the nature of the expense on which the $10K emergency fund was applied. .

Businesses looking to apply for a PPP stimulus fund but forced to cease operation as a nonessential business, must commit to rehire their employees by June 30, 2020. Apparently this is the target date whence nonessential businesses are expected to resume operations. Applicants for an EIDL may rehire employees at their own discretion and based on their own decision.

After eight weeks (2 months), a PPP borrower must show proof that 75% of the amount loaned were disbursed for payroll purposes. That way their PPP loan can be converted into a grant by the Small Business Administration. The conversion will free them from any obligation to pay the entire amount borrowed.

Otherwise, only the portion used for payroll purposes8 will be converted into a federal grant. The rest will continue to be treated as a loan, subject to payment of interest charges starting at one percent, and payable up to a maximum period of two years.

EIDL borrowers need not justify how the $10,000 forgivable emergency fund was disbursed. EIDL loans on the other hand, are subject to 3.75 percent interest rate and the full amount payable up to a maximum of 30 years.

Nonprofit organizations may also avail of EIDLs to which only 2.75 percent interest rate will be imposed. Loans granted to nonprofit entities are likewise payable up to a maximum of 30 years but with potential to qualify for a six-month extension period.

Snapchat and Tik Tok in a Race to Add Deep Fake Technology

It is now out that social media platforms, Snapchat and Tik Tok are on a race to be the first to add Deep Fake Technology to their applications.

Snapchat appears to be ahead in the race after quietly acquiring AI Factory, another Ukraine-based computer vision company at a price reportedly amounting to $166 million. According to TechCrunch,Tik Tok on the other hand, is said to be working on a direct deepfake-style tool with features similar to the Chinese video editing app ZAO.

What is Deep Fake Technology?

Deep Fake is a tool using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create or modify video content in such a way that something that did not actually happen may be presented as alternative content.

The term deep fake was actually derived from a Reddit user who went by the name “deepfakes,” when in December 2017, he had used deep learning technology to replace faces of characters appearing in pronographic video clips with faces of well known celebrities. The term may refer to both the deep learning technologies and the fake videos created using the technology.

About the Deep Fake Technology Acquired by Snapchat

Although the news about the AI Factory acquisition has been confirmed by Snapchat, the latter still has to come out with a press release to officially confirm the news reported by Ukraine’s AIN.UA publication.

AI Factory was founded by Ukraine-based Victor Shaburov, Greg Tkachenko and Alexander Mashrabov. Shaburov, who is also the founder of another computer vision firm Looksery, was also Snapchat’s Director of Engineering. He left Snap in May 2018 to lead the founding of AI Factory with Tkachenko and Mashrabov. As of the moment AI Factory founders have not yet commented about this report.

Still, it is widely known that Snapchat had worked with the AI Factory in developing its recently activated “Cameo” feature. The “Cameo” tool allows Snapchat users to paste their faces as overlays on a selection of usable pre-made scenes.

TechCrunch Voices Concerns Over the Addition of Deep Fake Technology to the Social Media Apps

Although TechCrunch reports that the deep fake tools produce content that still look rough around the edges, it is likely that improvements will come around real fast. The danger however is that up to what point will the deep fake tool be used for fun, where fun is just for online entertainment.

Techcrunch raises concerns that the technology can also be used for nefarious or criminal purposes. The potential for doing harm is great even if a video is later proven as fabricated, since depicting a person, let us say a politician or celebrity in a compromising situation or position is enough to damage reputations.

As with the deep fake tool being worked on by Tik Tok, greater concerns are being expressed since the tool involves uploading of biometric data. It is reported to be similar to the version of the Chinese app ‘Douyin, for which the purpose is to provide the Chinese Government with data to use for identification purposes.
