Pres. Biden Stands Firm in Fulfilling Democrats’ Vow of Supplementing the $600 Stimulus Check
Pres.Biden is standing firm on the $1,400 stimulus check that would bring the $600 released in December to the $2k total pushed for by Trump and the Democrats. Although the President mentioned $2k during his campaigns for the Georgia Democratic Senators, it has been paid partially by way of the $600 checks included in the $900 billion funds released in December. Democratic lawmakers vowed to work on a supplementary budget to make up for the deficit.
Critics, however, are making it appear that President Biden was reneging on the $2k promise. As it is, the new President has been facing opposition from Republican senators over the passing of his $1.9 trillion Covid-19 Relief Package that included the $1,400 differential of the previously promised $2K stimulus check. Republicans are actually suggesting an even smaller amount in order to get their support.
President Biden Rejects Republican Proposal of Splitting His COVID-19 Relief Package
Several Republican senators are actually suggesting to split Biden’s proposed COVID-19 $1.9 trillion package in order to receive bipartisan support. Splitting means having a smaller package for the vaccination programs, and another for the third round of the $1,400 direct payment check supplementing the $600 released in December. What the Republicans are aiming for is to leave the financial aid meant for local and state governments as another bill, for which they are strongly against.
However, the White House immediately rejected such a notion saying that the President stands firm on having the entire relief package approved in order to get plans rolling to address all crises faced by the country. In Thursday’s briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psakis said that although the President is open to ideas coming from the opposition, he is not going to go with the proposal to break the bill into smaller packages because there is a need to immediately solve all problems confronting the American people.